What will Clive be today? Follow Clive and his friends as they explore the many things a librarian does in a day. Role - play is crucial to a child's positive development, boosting language and social skills, and building self - confidence. This humorous and caring interaction of an inclusive group of playmates will inspire young readers to create their own diverse roles, free of gender stereot…
Who will do the biggest jump?
It's all action in this noisy, busy book of emergency vehicles, jam-packed with fire engines, police cars, ambulances, lifeboats, breakdown truck, rescue helicopters
Wah, sudah malam. Ngantuk, nih. Apa yang dilakukan Sali sebelum tidur, ya? Yuk, ikuti ceritanya!
Down a quiet, quiet street comes a quiet little mouse. Who is speeding on a scooter to a quiet, quiet house. But here comes another mouse and another! The quiet house is becoming very noisy! Whatever is happening inside?
It's bedtime, and Mo doesn't want to go to sleep. "I want to play!" he giggles. So Grandma suggests that she goes to bed while Mo stays up. But Mo discovers that putting Grandma to bed is harder than he thought.
Join Larry the Lamb and his friends on a bright and fun farm adventure
Pulang dari berbelanja. Mia enggak sengaja terjatuh di depan sebuah sumur tua. Anehnya,samar-samar Mia mendengar suara dari dalam sumur tua itu. Mia yang ketakutan langsung berlari tanpa sempat mengeceknya. Sejak kejadian itu, MIa selalu kepikiran suara misterius itu. Apa perlu ia mengeceknya, ya? Kira-kira apa yang akan ditemukan oleh Mia?
Saat hujan turun, awan kecil tersangkur di pohon. Hongbi dan Hongshi mengambilnya dan menyerahkannya ke ibu. "Kita buat roti dengan awan in," Kata Ibu. Ayo, makan roti awan dan mulai bertualang
Hongshi ingin membeli mobil-mobilan. Tapi, ibu malah membelikannya celengan. "Tabung uangmu di dalam sini untuk membeli mobil-mobilan", kata ibu. Lalu Hongshi pun mulai belajar menabung. Setiap hari, Hongshi mengisi celengannya. Ayo, belajar menabung bersama Hongshi