Learn everything you never knew you wanted to know about animals with Jack Hanna, wildlife expert, Emmy award-winning host of Jac Hanna's into the wild and JAck Hanna's wild countdown and director Emeritus of the Colombus and Aquarium
Do birds underground? Who lives in a den under the snow? Which underground creatures don't have any eyes? In this book, you'll find the answers and lots more about the amazing variety of animals that live under the ground
There are thousands and thousands of different types of bugs in the world. Find out all kinds of creepy-crawly things about them in this fascinating book.
Where do elephants live? What do they like to eat and how they sleep? In thus book you'll find out the answers and lots more about the fascinating live of the elephants.
Wilayah bumi terdiri dari lautan dan daratan. Luas seluruh lautan di bumi adalah 362 juta km2 atau dua kali luas daratan. Laut menyimpan 97% air yang ada di bumi.Untuk itu, wilayahnya dikelompokan menjadi empat bagian yaitu : Samudra Pasifik, Atlantik, Hindia dan Samudra arktik. Pembagian area tesebut menjadi dasardari tipologi kehidupan laut. Setiap ikan laut memiliki karakteristik dan ciriā¦