There's a Bank Robber in Green Lawn A red-haired kid took a video of the crime, but nobody can find him. Without the video, will the robber go free? Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose must track down the kid- before the bandit does
green Lawn Has a Pet Problem Dink's neighbor can't find her canary. Ruth Rose's Cat, Tiger, has also disappeared. Then the kids hear about two more missing critters. Is there a pet-napper in town? Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are on the case!
Get Ready for a Sleepover-in a Castle Soon after the kids arrive at Moose Manor in Maine, they hear strange sounds behind the walls. Does the castle have a hidden dungeon? And could it be haunted? Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are dying to find out!
Who is Sending Letters to Dink? All week long, Dink has been getting strange mail. The envelopes are addressed to "D.Duncan" but the letters inside are for someone named Doris.Plus, ine of the envelopes is empty! Could it be a secret code? And can Dink, josh, and Ruth Rose crack it?