Workbooks are written to complement the textbooks and to meet the learning needs of Indonesian pupils from Primary 1 to 6. This series uses the Singapore Maths Method which is proven to be one of the most effective teaching approaches in the world. It offers puplis essential pracitice to ensure a full understanding of the topics. These workbooks also provide a variety of exercise and word pro…
Workbooks are written to complement the textbooks and to meet the learning needs of Indonesian pupils from Primary 1 to 6. This series uses the Singapore Maths Method which is proven to be one of the most effective teaching approaches in the world. It offers puplis essential pracitice to ensure a full understanding of the topics. These workbooks also provide a variety of exercise and word pro…
Selain menyajikan kumpulan rumus lengkap matematika SMA dari kelas X hingga kelas XII yang dibahas secara ringkas dan jelas, buku ini juga menyajikan berbagai soal matematika SMA yang diambilkan dari soal - soal, mulai dari ulangan harian, ujian semester, dan ujian nasional berserta kunci jawabannya.