Buku ini merupakan buku cerita berima pengantar tidur. Ayo - ayo! Kita duduk di sini. Ibu akan mendongeng sebuah cerita tentang kupu - kupu yang baik hati selalu membantu teman - temannya.
Ada orang yang mengalami pertengakaran hebat dengan pasangannya, gagal dalam bisnis, menjadi korban kejahatan, ditinggalkan tetangga, dan sahabat, karena ketidakmampuan membaca pikiran. Buku ini menyediakan trik sukses membaca pikiran orang lain. Sehingga, kita bisa paham apa yang harus dilakukan terhadap lawan bicara agar tidak mengganggu komunikasi yang terjadi.
What will Clive be today? Follow Clive and his friends as they explore the many things a librarian does in a day. Role - play is crucial to a child's positive development, boosting language and social skills, and building self - confidence. This humorous and caring interaction of an inclusive group of playmates will inspire young readers to create their own diverse roles, free of gender stereot…
Buku ini mengajak putra - putri Anda belajar mengenal warna sekaligus mengenal warna binatang.
Who will do the biggest jump?
Tiny Ted writes a letter to Santa and sets off to deliver it himself. But when he reaches to town, Santa is nowhere to be found. It seems that Tiny ted's Journey has been in vain-but there is a very big christmas suprise in store the world's smallest bear
When the boy releases the tiger from a tra[, it seems his only reward is to end up as the tiger's dinner! But a wily jackal has a plan to teach that undgrateful tiger a lesson