Learn everything you never knew you wanted to know about animals with Jack Hanna, wildlife expert, Emmy award-winning host of Jac Hanna's into the wild and JAck Hanna's wild countdown and director Emeritus of the Colombus and Aquarium
Learn about one of nature's most exciting habitats with this giant fold-out colouring scene. Colour your way from the dense forest floor to the leafy sunlit canopy, then turn over to discover amazing facts about the fascinating creatures that live in this colourful envirunment
Atlas Budaya dan Tradisi Nusantara ini sagat cocok dipelajari oleh pelajar dan umum. Semua informasi tentang adat, tradisi, budaya, dan kekayaan alam Indonesia disajikan secara lengkap, praktis, serta mudah dipahami. Buku ini dapat digunakan sebagai media pengetahuan umum paling update. Informasi di dalamnya membahas tentang :
Pulang dari berbelanja. Mia enggak sengaja terjatuh di depan sebuah sumur tua. Anehnya,samar-samar Mia mendengar suara dari dalam sumur tua itu. Mia yang ketakutan langsung berlari tanpa sempat mengeceknya. Sejak kejadian itu, MIa selalu kepikiran suara misterius itu. Apa perlu ia mengeceknya, ya? Kira-kira apa yang akan ditemukan oleh Mia?
Charge into world of fighting knights and towering castles in this exciting acticity book. Follow the simple steps to make a model castle with a wind-up drawbridge, jousting knights, a fire-breathing dragon picture and lots more. You can even find out how to make a shiny sword, a royal shield and a knight's helmet with a moving visor
Since to beginning of time, we have always been curious about our surrondings. The fear of risk has been enough to stop us wanting to know more! this book will take you on the incredible journeys of the great explorers, from the vikings more than 1000 years ago to adventurers, such as Marco polo and Chrisopher Colombus, who changed the then-known world, from scholars such as Livingstone to brav…
Whether you're a luxury-loving Leo, a rugged Saggitarianor a cool Aquarian, you'll find the essence of your astrological self in these little felties. Neat, cute and easy to sew, each one is the perfect companion to remind you of what's written in your stars.
Saat hujan turun, awan kecil tersangkur di pohon. Hongbi dan Hongshi mengambilnya dan menyerahkannya ke ibu. "Kita buat roti dengan awan in," Kata Ibu. Ayo, makan roti awan dan mulai bertualang
Hongshi ingin membeli mobil-mobilan. Tapi, ibu malah membelikannya celengan. "Tabung uangmu di dalam sini untuk membeli mobil-mobilan", kata ibu. Lalu Hongshi pun mulai belajar menabung. Setiap hari, Hongshi mengisi celengannya. Ayo, belajar menabung bersama Hongshi
Ada Pementasan drama di sekolah! Hongshi akan berperan menjadi kupu-kupu. Meskipun bukan bintang utama, Hongshi bermain bagus sekali