As a tourism place, Maninjau Lake is well known to many people. Its beauty is famous, not only domestically, but also abroad. It is said that the lake located in Tanjungraya District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra Province was once a volcanic crater. Tinjau Mountain was the name. The mountain was adjacent to two other mountains, namely Mount Merapi and Mount Singgalang. The Mount Tinjau pea…
The story of La Tadamparek Puang Rimaggalatung was taken from the history of a king as well as a philosopher whose thoughts had colored the culture of the Bugis-Makassar tribe. This story was adapted from the Wajo Abad XV-XVII book An Exhumation of the Hidden History of South Sulawesi from Lontara written by Prof. Andi Zainal Abidin published by Alumni, Bandung 1985. Based on this history…
Nyai Balau story is an adaptation of several folktales that live and develop in Central Kalimantan. The story of Supak whose honesty, diligence, and patience bring luck. Children can learn many things from this story. Hopefully, this story can add insight into children in understanding our rich Indonesia. Dear Children, enjoy reading and exploring this interesting story. I want to express…
Praise and gratitude we pray to God Almighty because thanks to the abundance of grace so I can compile this folktale entitled Origins of the Name of the District of Kasihan in Bantul well and finished on time. In this story, I compiled folklore Origins of the Name of the Kasihan District in Bantul covering several subtitles, namely Ki Ageng Mangir Wonoboyo's Ultimate Weapon, Panembahan Se…
The children I love, by reading, you will gain knowledge. Be diligent in reading books to be smart. This reading book is interesting to read. Its contents contain a good message. Follow the good messages and don't follow the bad ones. This story is taken from the Hikayat Indra Maulana book which has been translated from Malay Arabic script into Latin script by Drs. Amran Tasai, M. Hum. a…