Buku ini akan membekali Anda keterampilan berbahasa secara lengkap. Anda tidak saja mengasah keterampilan menulis dan membaca tetapi juga keterampilan berbahasa yang lain, yaitu mendengarkan dan berbicara. Anda akan tahu bagaimana teknik mendengarkan yang baik untuk memperoleh informasi. Selanjutnya informasi tersebut dapat Anda sampaikan kepada orang lain dengan teknik berbicara.
Developing english Competiencies for grade XII Natural and Social Science programmes enables you o access information of various fileds of science to prepare you to go university
Interchange Third Edition is a fully revised edition of New Interchage, the world's most successful English series for adult and young adult learners. Each unit includes up to date content, additional grammar practice, and more opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills.
Buku ini memfokuskan keterampilan menulis surat, menulis lagu dan cita-cita, serta menanyakan ddan mengungkapkan pendapat. Buku ini juga memperkenalkan berbagai jenis teks dengan tema yang berbeda-beda sebagai sarana untuk mengaitkan konsep yang dipelajari.
SUPERKIDS 3rd edition is the latest editionof the widely acclaimed SUPERKIDS series for elementary school. Students learn with the lively child characters to build a strong foundation in English through their fun adventures
SUPERKIDS 3rd edition is the latest editionof the widely acclaimed SUPERKIDS series for elementary school. Students learn with the lively child characters to build a strong foundation in English through their fun adventures
SUPERKIDS 3rd edition is the latest editionof the widely acclaimed SUPERKIDS series for elementary school. Students learn with the lively child characters to build a strong foundation in English through their fun adventures
SUPERKIDS 3rd edition is the latest editionof the widely acclaimed SUPERKIDS series for elementary school. Students learn with the lively child characters to build a strong foundation in English through their fun adventures
SUPERKIDS 3rd edition is the latest editionof the widely acclaimed SUPERKIDS series for elementary school. Students learn with the lively child characters to build a strong foundation in English through their fun adventures