When Gulliver frist goes off to sea, he has no idea of the amazing worlds he will visit, or the incredible adventures that await him there. Travel with Gulliver to a flying island, a land inhabited by tiny people, a world ruled by horses, and more. You'll meet some of the most fantastic characters imaginable along the way.
Rahasia, harapan, dan mimpi. Sahabat untuk selamanya!
Jonathan Harker travels to Transylvania for a business deal with a Romanian nobleman, only fo find himself ensnared in the horrific world of Count Dracula, a mysterious man with an evil secret.
Latihan 1 menit ini akan membawa perubahan pada pola pikir Anda yang secara langsung akan mempengaruhi metabolisme tubuh dan perilaku Anda sehari - hari semuanya serba mudah dan sangat efektif.
Novel ini merupakan hasil "reportase" singkat Pramoedya Ananta Toer di wilayah Banten Selatan yang subur tapi rentan dengan penjarahan dan pembuhan. Tanah yang subur tapi masyarakatnya miskin, kerdil, tidak berdaya, lumpuh daya kerjanya. Mereka diisap sedemikian rupa. Mereka dipaksa hidup dalam tindihan rasa takut yang memiskinkan.
The year is 1717. It is a bad time to be the captain of a ship in the Caribbean because of pirates. The most frightening pirate in the sea is Edwart Teach, or 'Blackbeard'. 'The Governor of Virginia wants us all dead!' Blackbeard thinks. ' But xan he kill me-the most famous pirate in the Caribbean? No! This is his story!!