Over 700 everyday words about the family, home, school and play all clearly defined and colourfully illustrated in words and pictures in this entertaining and informative book for young learners.
Young children will find answers to these and many more questions in this fascinating book.
Materi disajikan dengan pendekatan sesuai aspek Capaian Pembelajaran yang akan dikembangkan dalam Pendidikan Pancasila.
Materi disajikan dengan pendekatan sesuai aspek Capaian Pembelajaran yang akan dikembangkan dalam Pendidikan Pancasila.
Meihua Chinese learning sereis adheres to the prevailing lingustic references and standards issued by various linguistic authorities in the people's Republic of China.
Meihua Chinese learning sereis adheres to the prevailing lingustic references and standards issued by various linguistic authorities in the people's Republic of China.
New Maths Champion is an updated edition of the successful Singapore primary maths series Maths Champion, that is aligned with the Indonesian syllabus.
Dengan adanya buku ini diharapkan dapat memberi kontribusi kepada peserta didik supaya menjadi anak bangsa yang senantiasa mengamalkn nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya.
The Active Maths series is developed to comprehensively cover all the learning objectives of the Cambridge Primary Mathematics curriculum framework (0096).
The Active Maths series is developed to comprehensively cover all the learning objectives of the Cambridge Primary Mathematics curriculum framework (0096).