My Pals Are Here! Science International (2nd Edition) series is adapted from the highly effective My Pals are Here! Science series, which is the most widely used primary science programme in Singapore schools. This series employs the same Inquiry-based approach that is structured around the 5E Instructional Model. With a spiral progression in its curriculum, pupils will revisit the concepts at …
Science International (2nd Edition) helps pipils acquire a deep understanding of science concepts by enganging them in the learning process.
Pengeran Cilik termasuk buku yang paling banyak diterjemahkan di dunia. Konon pernah disadur ke dalam 230 bahasa asing. Buku ini memang luar biasa. Tampaknya seolah cerita anak - anak, tapi sebenarnya dinikmati dan direnungkan juga oleh orang dewasa.
Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea is not only a classic science fiction novel, it is also thrilling adventure yarn.
Philip, Jack, Dinah, dan Lucy-Ann gembira sekali mendapat kesempatan berlibur di kepulauan lepas pantai utara Inggris. Apalagi mereka juga ditemani Kikisi burung kakatua cerewet dan Bill yang sementara waktu harus "menghilang" dari musuh - musuhnya.